Our Special Services

Adults Swimming Academy aims to change your life style to a healthy, sporty life style through our programmes, which are flexible and tailored to fit everyone’s need. We have been developing these programs for the past 6 years to meet your expectations.
Our priorities are to make sure of the quality of branches, coaches and to have as much branches as we can to be near from your home or workplace. We also aim to expand in the gulf area very soon.
We have more than 150 weekly classes in different timings to meet your busy schedule. We also make sure that we give equal services in all our branches


Swimming boostmoods, enhancesleeping, help manage stress and increase physical wellbeing. However, adults go through different hardships to be able to begin their swimming training journey after 18.
In Adults Swimming Academy, we support every adult make a life-changing decision and start to swim by offering a specialized program that comprises several levels and guarantees our trainees joy.
This program promises the professional completion of the four swimming types :
1-Freestyle stroke
3- Breaststroke
Besides, it helps our trainees gain an impressive full-body transformation.

Swimming Demo
Our levels
Swimming places

Hydrotherapy is a method of treat disease by using physical properties of water at different  temperatures and in different pressures
It is the union between water and physical therapy, It is a great way to exercise body by low impact exercises to strength muscles and easing muscle stress by cold and hot baths
We use diffent theraputic techniques in treating patient such as

5.wst (water specific techniques)
6.fittness trainning

Purpose: to stimulate blood circulation and treat symptoms of certain diseases
People should always discuss hydrotherapy with their physiotherapist before adding it to a treatment program

Hydrotherapy places